
How did your school foster an environment of inclusivity and appreciation, ensuring that everyone feels valued and respected?

Throughout my stint at DPS Dubai, I would surely say that my journey was full of ups and downs but the guidance of my teachers and support of my schoolmates made this journey simply better. Here at DPS, I can vouch that every classroom is a bright one filled with smiles and ignited minds. If it weren’t for our superb teachers, then it wouldn’t be the same. They always ensured that every student’s needs and learning journey was to be treated uniquely. At every point throughout our learning journey, our teachers ensured that we never felt alone in class whether it was their initiative to provide us with an opportunity to present a flip class or conclude a lecture with a debate. They gave us every chance to connect with our classmates and create an environment where every child felt that they belonged and were no different.

From the very start apart from simply focussing on academics, our school made a great effort to cultivate basic principles of life which would allow us to be the better version of ourselves. Our school has provided us with tons of opportunities to cater to the needs of every student. Whether it was student council, inter-school competitions in athletics or arts, or quiz competitions, DPS provided us with every chance to upscale our talent. From my experience, there was never a time when I felt demotivated or discouraged after an exam.

My teachers always made sure that I got the required attention and appreciation irrespective of my grades because my teachers taught me that it was all about growing. Every tiny mistake I would have made was just part of my road to success. Their constant guidance and positive drive gave optimism and insight whenever I felt out of track.

Moreover, the great part is that I never felt alone. Because of the all-inclusive attitude that our school has fostered from the very start, my class ensured that I never felt ‘less’ in front of them. DPS has also provided me with a wonderful faculty of counselors who have helped me deal with the anxiety around the exam season.