Roy Harwani

Reflecting on Friendships and Connections at DPS Dubai: Their Significance in Shaping My School Experience and Personal Growth

Joining DPS Dubai as a three-year-old in 2010 marked the beginning of a transformative journey. Despite the school’s distance from home, my parents believed it was the right place for me, and their faith has been justified many times over. From being a shy kid in KG1-A, my time at DPS Dubai has been characterized by deep friendships, supportive teachers, and a myriad of experiences that have shaped my personal growth and school experience.

In the early years, my social world revolved around a close-knit group of friends. I vividly remember the excitement of sports days, where we won third place in the inter-class relay race, and the joy of splashing around in the inflatable pool. These activities laid the foundation for lifelong friendships. A significant moment was in KG2 when a new girl joined our class and quickly became a part of our group. Interestingly, she now happens to be one of my best friends, even though she left DPS Dubai a few years ago. This early bond is a testament to how the school’s environment fosters enduring relationships.

As we transitioned to fourth grade, the class reshuffling was initially daunting but proved to be a blessing in disguise. I remained in section 4A, where I formed new friendships that persist to this day. The supportive nature of our class teacher made us feel comfortable and encouraged us to excel. Participating in Olympiads and various competitions helped me discover and hone my academic abilities, setting the stage for future successes.

The fifth grade introduced yet another wave of new classmates, which expanded my circle of friends. The overnight stay at school stands out as a highlight, with our class teacher making the experience unforgettable. These moments of camaraderie and fun were crucial in shaping my social skills and confidence.

Middle school brought its own set of challenges, particularly with subjects like History and Civics. However, the support from teachers and peers made the journey manageable. My passion for Mathematics flourished during this time, leading to multiple opportunities to showcase my skills in competitions. The collaborative spirit among friends, helping each other with our strong subjects, was instrumental in our collective success.

Swimming has been a significant part of my life since the second grade. The friendships formed during evening classes and competitions, including the CBSE clusters, have been invaluable. Despite setbacks like not being selected for nationals, the support from friends helped me persevere. These experiences taught me resilience and the importance of having a supportive network.

Eighth grade marked a turning point with my involvement in Hindi drama and the MANTHAN carnival, where I formed new friendships and strengthened existing ones. The onset of COVID-19 brought unexpected challenges, but also growth opportunities. Online classes were difficult, but they led me to discover a passion for writing poems, which my teachers and friends encouraged me to pursue.

One of the most significant connections I made during eighth grade was with a girl in my class. Our friendship blossomed over time, and she has played a pivotal role in my personal development. During the winter break that year, we became great friends, and she introduced me to a new social circle that I had always admired but felt too shy to approach. Her influence helped me transition from feeling excluded to becoming an integral part of the group. This shift significantly boosted my confidence and social skills, shaping my high school experience in profound ways.

Returning to school in tenth grade, even under social distancing protocols, was a joyous experience. The camaraderie among friends, the thrill of backbench fun, and the support from teachers made this year unforgettable. Cycling with friends during the summer break further solidified our bonds, showcasing the blend of academic and extracurricular activities that defined our school life.

In eleventh grade, I embraced a more extroverted persona, thanks to the support and encouragement from friends and family, particularly my mother. Participating in extracurricular activities, like the Hindi debate competition in Jodhpur, expanded my horizons and introduced me to new friends and mentors. The annual day dance performance and involvement in student council activities further enriched my school experience.

One thing that has been a constant throughout my school life is being in section A. Fourteen years in section A might not be an official achievement, but it’s certainly something I’m proud of and a fun fact to share!

Throughout my time at DPS Dubai, I have bonded not only with peers my age but also with seniors and juniors. These intergenerational friendships have been incredibly enriching. Seniors have provided guidance and inspiration, helping me navigate academic challenges and college applications. My involvement in various activities, like swimming and debate competitions, allowed me to form close connections with them, leaving a mutual impact. Similarly, bonding with juniors has been rewarding, as I have enjoyed mentoring and supporting them, sharing my experiences, and learning from their fresh perspectives. These interactions have broadened my social network and deepened my understanding of community.

The friendships and connections I’ve made at DPS Dubai have been a cornerstone of my personal growth. From the early days in KG1 to the challenges of high school, these relationships have provided support, joy, and invaluable life lessons. DPS Dubai has not only been a place of academic learning but also a nurturing ground for forming meaningful and lasting connections. These friendships have been there in my low times, like when I failed my interview to join the Indian Air Force, celebrating my successes, and have shaped the person I am today. As I prepare to graduate, I look back with immense gratitude for the experiences and friendships that have defined my journey at DPS Dubai. The school has provided a platform for personal growth and lifelong connections, for which I am forever thankful.