Niveditha Girish

Niveditha Girish

My Recipe for a Joyous School Life!

As my school journey has come to an end, I can’t help but look back at some of the beautiful memories I’ve made as a student of fourteen years at DPS Dubai. I miss putting on my uniform and going to school every day, and admittedly, I’m a little envious of those of you who still roam those halls freely. During my years there, I curated a recipe for a scrumptious school experience, which I am beyond excited to share with my fellow Dipsites!

Firstly, form strong bonds with your teachers and peers. They are a crucial part of your school experience, and having a good support system at school can help skyrocket your success as a student. Reach out to your teachers for advice; their words of wisdom will offer new perspectives and help you make informed decisions about your future. Create a network of friends who support you, motivate you to chase your goals and be a better version of yourself. Also ensure that you have a strong communication system with your parents and involve them in your decision-making process, as a strong support system at home is just as important as one at school.

Secondly, build your portfolio by signing yourself up for activities that come along. DPS Dubai is a platform for growth; there are countless opportunities for you to hone your skills and showcase your talents. Sign up for various competitive events, play a sport, or take part in the multidisciplinary annual day. Run for a student council post to sharpen your leadership and conversational skills, or even participate actively in your class presentations for the same! I know it can be daunting to put oneself out there and bask in the spotlight, but it gets easier with time. You’ll never regret giving yourself the opportunity to bloom into the beautiful butterfly you are!

Thirdly—and this goes without saying—try your hardest to excel in your academics. Spend time with your books every day, take every exam seriously and reach out to your subject teachers to clear your concepts. If an extracurricular takes up your time, make sure to compensate for the time lost by studying extra. Believe me, the satisfaction you get from knowing you worked to the best of your abilities and utilized all the resources available to you is a feeling that remains unmatched.

And lastly, remember to have fun with it. After all, when you look back on your school days, you do want to reminisce the good times. Instead of putting immense pressure upon yourself and crumbling under it, practice moderation. Take everything one step at a time, practice relaxation techniques and ensure that you are not wholly consumed by assignments. Learn the art of balance, which is not only helpful during your school life but throughout every chapter of your life.

And that’s my recipe for a wholesome, fulfilling and successful school life. Tweak it to your taste and paint your own colorful experience at DPS Dubai!