Manit Varshney

As we look ahead to the next 10 years, we will find ourselves in different places, far from each other. While this school will have seen 10 more batches of students, but what will remain are the memories we have created together.

I joined DPS in the middle of 10th grade during the COVID era, when we had separate dedicated tables with our names on them. As an introverted child, I was hesitant to talk to others and was really scared about making new friends. However, this school has taught me how to communicate and form new friendships and relationships, which has been one of the most valuable lessons of my life.

Here, I made my best friends who shared not only my happiest moments but also supported me during my lowest. Friends help define who you really are. These friendships are formed in innocence, regardless of our backgrounds, where we come from, or any motives. This experience personally helped me become more diversified.

There were moments in this journey when the entire class united for a cause. These causes could range from asking the teacher for a free period to requesting her to keep stayback for revision. Friendships were not limited to one individual class but the entire batch itself. Though our streams, teachers, and subjects were different, we shared a common link: to be in the moment and enjoy it together.

Competitions, annual day events, fire drills—every moment spent together is worth remembering. Looking back at the pictures we captured, I see not only the fun we had but also my personal growth into someone I never imagined I could be.

I hardly believed that someone could enjoy the whole year and still score well in board exams, but then I looked at myself. I never thought I could make more than 10 friends, but then I saw my contact list, filled with friends and acquaintances I made at DPS.

At last, the friendships and connections formed at school have been instrumental in shaping my school experience and personal growth. These relationships have taught me valuable lessons and provided me with memories that I will cherish forever. As we move forward into new chapters of our lives, these bonds will always remind us of where we came from and the shared experiences that made us who we are today.