
Inclusion @ DPS Dubai

We are committed to the inclusion of all students and meeting their individual needs in a supportive environment. We aim to maximise their potential by providing educational programmes and related services.

We believe in minimizing the physical, attitudinal, communication and social barriers by taking appropriate actions to remove obstacles and include all by providing complete access to the curriculum within a common learning environment.

All students at our school are entitled to classroom based support and access to the whole range of school activities. It is integral to the school’s ethos that all students experiencing special educational needs are respected, encouraged and viewed in a positive way.

Understanding different learning styles and offering children opportunities to learn in different ways through differentiated lesson plans, teaching, collaboration and assessment embedded in the school system.

The Inclusion Team, where appropriate, offers additional support for children with a Special Educational Need, Additional Educational Need, English as an additional language, and for those who are More Able, Gifted and Talented. There is educational provision for students with SEND, which is in addition to or otherwise different from, the educational provision generally made for children of their age in schools, other than special schools.

Literacy and Numeracy Interventions

Behavioural management strategies

Support Teachers and Learning Support Assistants

More Able, Gifted and Talented Enhancement Programmes

We ensure all students, particularly those who experience SEND, are well prepared with the skills and abilities to take on further education, training, employment and community engagement.

Our aim is to:

Provide differentiated learning opportunities to all students and materials appropriate to students’ interests and abilities to ensure all students have full access to the school.

Make every effort to narrow the gap in attainment between students with special needs and their peers.

Focus on individual progress which will be considered as the main indicator of success.

Make a clear distinction between ‘underachievement’ (often caused by poor early experiences of learning) and special educational.

Identify students requiring different or additional support at an early stage and ensure that appropriate interventions are put in place to help them succeed.

Ensure that students who experience special educational needs have the maximum opportunity to attain and achieve in line with their peers.

Use appropriate and accurate assessment tools and carefully planned programmes that address their learning difficulties for the success of these students.