

Tips you would give your fellow students for a fulfilling, happy and successful school life.

BOOM! The most unpleasant odor fills the room in a thick mist as you and friends attempt to escape the scene of the crime, only to be caught by none other than your beloved supervisor. Although nothing about the whole situation was cheerful, you and your friends cannot help but grin. After all, comrades in war die together, an honorable death.

Now, you may or may not have such an experience in your school days but suffice it to say, these are the moments which we remember with the utmost fondness. No, not the assignments or the endless homework, but the crazy adventures, or misadventures, that one encounters in their school days. Unfortunately, it is rare to find children with a spirit of adventure and mischief. Perhaps it can be attributed to increasing competition found in today’s generation. Although competition is by all means a driver of success, it should not take over the life of a child. And herein you find the first, and most important I daresay, rule to enjoy school life: Have as much fun as possible. Dabble in as much mischief as you can. The world is your playground.

Now, on to the second most important thing. Have you, and I mighty well know you have, ever found yourself wishing you had more friends? That is not to say your current friends are bad. But we all have at some point wished to be the life of the party. It may seem like a distant dream but my friend, it is time you bring that dream come to life. This is your moment, seize it. Oh, what’s that, you’re scared you’ll be embarrassed? Believe me , the embarrassment will never be more painful than the thought of knowing what could be So go out there and make as many friends as you possibly can since after all , the more the merrier.