Entrance Exam Syllabus – Grade V

Applicants for Term I (April-June)

Section A Unseen Comprehension Passage
Section B Paragraph Writing (Word Limit- 70- 80 words)
Section C


  1. Punctuation
  2. Nouns – Proper, Common, Collective, Abstract and Materials
  3. Verbs and Verb Tenses (Simple and Continuous – Past, Present and Future)
  4. Prepositions
  5. Adjectives (Kinds of Adjectives)
  6. Adverbs

  1. Shapes
    • Identification of Symmetric Figures
    • Symmetry in 2D and 3D Shapes
    • Identification of Lines of Symmetry
    • Making Symmetric Figures and Patterns
    • Measuring and Drawing Line Segment
    • Drawing a Circle – Free Hand and Compass
    • Identification of Centre, Radius and Diameter of a Circle
  2. Place Value
    • Numbers Beyond Thousand
    • Reading and Writing Numbers in Numerals and Words
    • Expanded Notation
    • Comparing Numbers
    • Estimating Numbers to Nearest Tens and Hundreds
  3. Roman Numerals 1 to 40
  4. Addition and Subtraction
  5. Multiplication
    • Multiply with Multiples of 10
    • Estimating Products
    • Multiplication by 2 and 3 Digit Numbers
    • Patterns in Multiplication
    • Money
  6. Division – Division by One Digit Numbers and by 10s
  7. Factors and Multiples
    • Test of Divisibility 2, 3, 5, 9, 10
    • Factors by Using Multiplication and Division
    • Factor Trees
    • Common Factors
    • Multiples (Common Multiples)

  1. Digestive System and Respiratory System
  2. Teeth Talk
  3. Reproduction in Animals
  4. Animal Adaptation
  5. Plant Adaptation
  6. Food for Plants
  7. Food Preservation
  8. Our Universe
  9. Matter and its States
  10. Work, Force and Energy
  11. Air, Water and Weather
  12. Soil

Applicants for Term II (September-February)

Section A Unseen Comprehension
Section B Paragraph Writing (Word Limit-150 words)
Section C


  1. Kinds of Sentences and Transformation – Exclamatory, Imperative, Interrogative and Declarative
  2. Nouns – Proper, Common, Abstract, Material and Collective Nouns
  3. Verbs and Verb Tenses – Simple Tenses and Continuous Tenses
  4. Adjectives – Kinds, Order and Degrees of Comparison
  5. Conjunctions
  6. Prefix and Suffix
  7. Adverbs
  8. Subject Verb Agreement
  9. Figures of Speech (Similes, Metaphors, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Personification)

  1. Numbers
    • 8 digit – Indian and International system – Writing in Words, Figures, Ordering and Comparing
  2. 8 – digit Addition and Subtraction
  3. Multiplication by 3 – digit Number and Division – by Two Digit Divisor
  4. Factors and Multiples (Listing and Factor Tree Method)
  5. Shapes – Symmetry, Types of Angles and Polygons
  6. Fractions – Addition and Subtraction of Like Fractions
  7. Measures – Basic Units and Conversions
  8. Area and Perimeter – (Basic Shapes)
  9. Money – Addition and Subtraction of Money and Billing
  10. Data Handling – Bar Graph and Pictograph

  1. Organ System (Nervous, Skeletal)
  2. Animal Life
  3. Classification of Animals
  4. Plant Life
  5. Interdependence in Nature (Biotic, Abiotic factor Food Chain, Food Web)
  6. Our Universe
  7. States of Matter