Entrance Exam Syllabus – Grade III

Applicants for Term I (April-June)

Section A Unseen Comprehension Passage
Section B Paragraph Writing (Word Limit-50 words)
Section C


  1. Rhyming Words
  2. Alphabetical Order
  3. Nouns – Proper and Common Nouns
  4. Punctuation – Full Stop, Capital Letter, Comma, Question Mark and Exclamation Mark
  5. Articles – ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’
  6. Adjectives
  7. Gender
  8. Conjunctions
  9. Verbs (Present Tense)

Number System
  1. Number Names and Numerals till 1000
  2. Expanded Notation
  3. Comparing Numbers
  4. Even and Odd Numbers
  1. Name 2D and 3D Shapes
Addition and Subtraction of 3 Digit Numbers
  1. With and without regroupings
  1. Multiplication Facts as Repeated Addition
  2. Single Digit Multiplication without Regrouping
  1. As Repeated Subtraction
  2. Equal Sharing and Grouping

  1. Internal and External Organs
  2. Sense Organs
  3. Bones and Muscles
  4. Animal Life
  5. Kinds of Plants – Useful Plants, Plants in Different Landforms
  6. Food – Significance, Sources of Food, Food for Health
  7. Housing and Clothing – Types of Houses
  8. Services in Community
  9. Safety and First Aid
  10. Means of Transport
  11. Public and Private Transport
  12. Communication
  13. The Air We Breathe
  14. Water – Forms of Water, Sources and its Uses
  15. Seasons and Festivals
  16. Weather

Applicants for Term II (September-February)

Section A Unseen Comprehension
Section B Paragraph Writing (Word Limit-50 words)
Section C


  1. Punctuation – Capital Letter, Full Stop, Comma, Exclamation Mark and Question Mark
  2. Alphabetical Order
  3. Nouns – Proper, Common and Collective Nouns
  4. Auxiliary Verbs – is, am, are, was, were
  5. Articles – ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’
  6. Pronouns
  7. Verbs and Tenses

  1. Numbers
    • 4 digit – Writing in Words, Figures, Ordering, Comparing, Expanded Notation, Abacus
  2. 3, 4 Digit Addition with Carry Over
  3. 3, 4 Digit Subtraction with Borrowing
  4. Multiplication of a Three Digit Number with a Single Digit Number
  5. Shapes – Identification of Basic Shapes and Simple Patterns
  6. Time (telling the exact time)
  7. Money – Counting Rupees and Paise

  1. The Human Body
  2. Types of Plants and their Uses
  3. Animals and their Feeding habits
  4. Heavenly Bodies – Sun, Moon and Stars
  5. Light and Shadow
  6. Living and Non-Living Things